- How the Standards Committee of Bournemouth Borough Council appeared to be politically manipulated over the handling of the Clllr. Beesley Tribunal in 2011.
Click here for Original Complaint Click here for Tribunal Decision
- Evidence now available shows that this Committee did not think it necessary to invite the Monitoring Officer (Joy Postings) to provide oral evidence at the hearing. WHY?
- This Committee was also very selective about the other evidence given, most notably by a group of Developers’ Agents who now wish for their evidence to be made publlic (see attached). We are grateful for this public spirited gesture and hope others will also speak out.
- How this Council proceeded with the outsourcing contract with Mouchel despite the warnings given by our previous Chief Accountant (Stephen Parker) the day before he was suspended for having the temerity to challenge the proposal (see attached).
- We think that the role of Leader of the Councill should be separated from that of Cabinet Member for Resources (Finance). This puts too much power in the hands of one person.
4. The problems faced by Council Leaseholders - click here for full details.
Please contact us with your views and concerns as we are sure there are more